Year: 2025

Sad injured patient assisted by the nurse.

Have you recently suffered an injury for which someone else is to blame? If so, that person could owe you money – but you’ll have to go through the Florida personal injury claims process to get it. This involves gathering evidence, getting medical treatment, and, crucially, getting in touch with…

Red book entitled punitive damages in the shelf

If you are injured in Florida due to someone else’s intentional misconduct or gross negligence, you may be able to collect punitive damages equal to three times your compensatory damages or $500,000, whichever is greater. In cases where the defendant intended to hurt you, there is no cap on punitive…

Biker girl got hit by a car suffering injuries.

A bicycle accident can leave you with significant expenses due to medical treatment, long-term care, and lost wages. Fortunately, you may have the option to file an insurance claim, even if you caused the accident. Florida has a “no-fault” auto insurance system, which requires insurance providers to compensate injury victims…