Tampa Bay Legal Blog

Lawyer explaining to client the legal fees.

Hiring a Florida personal injury lawyer may influence your case’s outcome if you seek compensation after sustaining injuries. However, understanding legal fees before entering into a contract with a lawyer is essential. Florida personal injury attorneys often work on a contingency fee basis. How much an attorney charges in legal…

Female driver feeling pain from whiplash accident.

Every personal injury settlement is different, which makes arriving at an “average” figure difficult. Many factors affect the overall value of each unique whiplash claim, such as the severity of your injuries, insurance policy limits, and liability for the accident. If you’re curious about how much yours might be worth, get…

Motorcycle lane splitting the highway.

Florida Statutes § 316.209 forbids lane splitting, stating that motorcyclists cannot ride between lanes of traffic or rows of vehicles. However, this prohibition does not apply to police officers or firefighters during their official duties.     Contents1 What Is Lane Splitting?2 Is Lane Splitting Dangerous?3 Is Lane Sharing Legal in…

Woman driver eating sandwich while driving.

Florida law doesn’t expressly prohibit eating and driving. However, if eating while driving leads to distraction and dangerous or careless driving, it could result in an accident with injuries or fatalities. Multitasking might be a valued skill in today’s fast-paced society. But one place where it could be dangerous is…

Man suffering anxiety undergone counseling.

An accident can cause more than physical injuries. Accident victims often suffer emotional distress, too. As with physical harm, accident victims can sue for the emotional distress they experience due to their injuries. However, emotional distress is intangible. That means proving it and quantifying its extent can be challenging, particularly…

Driver who got hurt from car accident calling his insurance company.

Per the Insurance Information Institute, the average payout for car accident claims has increased steadily over a recent five-year period. In one year, the average bodily injury claim payout was $22,734 nationwide, while the average property damage claim settlement was $5,314. However, it’s worth noting that there is no “typical”…