Tampa Bay Legal Blog

highway construction road work ahead sign

Every year there are thousands of vehicle collisions and crashes in and around construction zones. According to the Federal Highway Administration, over a recent five year period, 4,400 people died in work zone crashes of which 85 percent were drivers or passengers. More than 200,000 people suffered injuries. The risks…

meeting with client

Finding the right attorney can be exhausting sometimes. With an over-saturated market, every attorney seems to claim to bring the same things to the table for you. So how do you find the right one for you? With a little digging, the right attorney will boldly stand out from the…

Getting into a car accident can be very stressful. Here are some tips on what to do at the scene of an auto accident: Always keep calm and determine if anyone is injured. If anyone in your car is injured, you want to call 911 immediately to ensure that help…