Spring Hill Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

Senior woman got scared by her caregiver in nursing home.

Older adults living in Florida nursing homes deserve the highest level of care. Their families often choose a nursing home for their loved ones after spending significant amounts of time researching, interviewing, and visiting the facilities in their area. When placing a loved one in their care, family members put considerable trust in nursing home staff. Sadly, it’s still possible for nursing home residents to experience neglect.

If your loved one has experienced nursing home abuse or neglect, you may be understandably upset and wondering whether there’s anything you can do to hold the home accountable. When you contact a Spring Hill nursing home negligence lawyer from Zervos & Calta, PLLC, we will review your legal options in a free consultation and help you determine your best path forward.

Does Spring Hill Have a Lot of Nursing Homes?

As a state with a large population of retirees and older adults, many Florida communities also have a large number of nursing homes. With a population of over 113,000, Spring Hill is home to several nursing homes and care facilities for older adults. Hernando County’s population is also older, on average, than the Florida population as a whole.

What Is Nursing Home Negligence?

Among the many rights of nursing home residents under Florida law is the right to be treated with respect and receive the care and treatment they need. Nursing home negligence occurs when these and other rights are disregarded either through action or inaction by medical professionals and other nursing home staff. Nursing home negligence takes many forms, including:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial manipulation, exploitation, or fraud
  • Isolation
  • Wrongful death

When nursing home residents are subjected to medical neglect, isolated from their family and friends, deprived of their needs, and otherwise forced to suffer maltreatment, they are experiencing nursing home negligence.

What Are Some Signs of Nursing Home Negligence?

Nursing home neglect and abuse may appear in a variety of ways. Some of the signs to watch for include:

  • Physical signs (bedsores, unexplained injuries, infections, weight loss, etc.)
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Lack of hygiene and personal grooming habits
  • Refusal to take prescribed medications
  • Unexplained changes in mood or personality
  • Social withdrawal
  • Fear of being alone
  • Missing funds
  • Missing personal documents or possessions

You know your loved one best. If you notice alarming changes in their outlook, appearance, or personality, raise your concerns with your loved one and their caregivers.

What Should I Do If I Believe My Loved One Is a Victim of Nursing Home Negligence?

If you believe your loved one is experiencing neglect or abuse in their nursing home, their safety should be your priority. If you believe they’re in immediate danger and can move them into a different home, you should do so.

In the meantime, monitor any changes in your loved one and their surroundings. Keep detailed notes of any concerning developments or incidents. Note any interactions between staff members and your loved one or members of your family. Photograph any disturbing conditions, injuries, or other details that support your belief that your loved one is being neglected or abused.

Finally, contact a Spring Hill nursing home negligence lawyer right away. They’ll help you understand your legal options and guide you through the complex process of pursuing action against those who harmed your loved one.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Nursing Home Negligence in Spring Hill?

Determining liability in a nursing home negligence case is a matter of identifying the parties responsible for your loved one’s mistreatment. In most cases, individual staff members or medical care providers can be held liable, as can the nursing home facility itself.

Your attorney will review a variety of evidence, including medical records, medical bills, nursing home charts, witness statements, photographs, and any records you kept of your visits to your loved one. This information will help them fully understand the situation and build the strongest possible case against the nursing home.

What If My Loved One Dies as a Result of Nursing Home Negligence?

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse cases can lead to the death of vulnerable victims. If your loved one died as a result of negligence on the part of nursing home staff, you can seek compensation through a wrongful death claim. You have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file a lawsuit. Working with an experienced Florida nursing home abuse lawyer will give you the best opportunity to demand compensation and justice from those who caused your loved one’s death.

Is There Compensation Available for a Nursing Home Negligence Lawsuit?

Your Spring Hill nursing home negligence attorney may pursue compensation for several types of losses on your behalf. You can seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses arising from the abuse or neglect
  • Costs associated with rehabilitation or therapy
  • Costs associated with securing new living arrangements
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death

In extreme cases, you may be able to pursue punitive damages, which penalize the nursing home for its actions. Your nursing home negligence lawyer will review the details of the case to determine an appropriate amount of compensation to pursue.

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Filing a Nursing Home Negligence Claim in Florida?

In most nursing home abuse cases, you have two years from the date you discovered the abuse to file a lawsuit against the nursing home. In cases where fraud or misrepresentation was used to hide the abuse, you have up to four years to file.

Contact a Spring Hill Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer

It can be heartbreaking to discover that your loved one is a victim of elder abuse, and the process of seeking justice can add stress and confusion to what’s already an overwhelming situation. You don’t have to go through this alone. A Spring Hill nursing home negligence attorney can shoulder the legal burden while you focus on your loved one’s health and safety.

Zervos & Calta, PLLC has over 50 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of injury victims, including individuals harmed through nursing home negligence. We’ll put our knowledge and resources to work for your family and aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to arrange a free consultation to discuss your case.

Visit our Spring Hill Nursing Home Negligence Law Offices